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Sara Zaanani joined the Altea team as a jurist in early 2021, before taking the oath at the Brussels Bar.
She works at the Altea law firm in a team specialising in immigration and international family law.
Her day-to-day work involves immigration legal matters (European citizens, workers, students, refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection status, family reunification, visas etc.); private international legal matters (competent court, applicable law etc.); and international family legal matters (marriage, divorce, filiation, adoption, marriage annulments, recognition of foreign judgements or acts etc.).
During the last year of her master's in public and international law at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), which she passed with distinction, she did an internship with Myria, the Federal Migration Centre. She stood out for her excellent analytical skills, her tenacity, her empathy and her sense of initiative.
She also completed her thesis on the following topic with distinction: “Vers une politique inclusive des crimes sexuels et à caractère sexistes ? Une analyse jurisprudentielle de la situation en République démocratique du Congo selon une perspective féministe”. (Toward an inclusive policy for sexual and sexist crimes? A jurisprudential analysis of the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo from a feminist perspective.)
She volunteers with the Sister’s House of the Plateforme citoyenne aux réfugiés and is an active member of the immigration commission of the Human Rights League. She also worked on an awareness-raising campaign for Police Watch, a police violence monitoring body.
She took part in a Clinique Droits et Libertés (Rights and Liberties Clinic), where she participated in the drafting of a proposal to transpose Directive 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law.